Monday, August 15, 2011

Spring and Summer

So since March of this year, I have been hospitalized twice, had two different surgeries and spent most of my vacation from my day job in and out of hospitals and doctors' offices trying to get healthy. Was also told I had to get on some blood pressure medicine as well. Been crazy not being able to get on any type of get away or even spend some time at the pool to relax. I have lucky that I am getting healthy and if God lets me, I plan to keep it that way. There are LOTS of people far worse off in health than myself so I am lucky to continue on the track that I am.

A few weeks ago as I am recovering from another surgery my co-workers at the day job would take my blood pressure daily to see where I was at. Part of it was cause they care and another was all of having laughs at how quick it shoots up when I would get off the floor dealing with a customer or the phone or reading an email. Greg Sanders was a friend and co-worker of mine for MANY years, he owned the bp machine and would always instigate getting a reading from me. We went to lunch every day that he worked and would always clown around to make the office staff laugh at us being goof balls. I often wonder if Greg goofing on my about my health was to hide the fact that he may not have been in that best of shape.

A month ago I had talked with the Colts about the upcoming season, talked about "my deal" and money and booked some other events as well. I was happy as can be! My health was going in the right direction, the Colts were going to have me back and life was looking up. July 21st Greg was a no-call no-show at the day job. I suggested that morning that we take a ride to his apartment for a "wellness check". My boss told me to wait and we would ride over there together and find out what was going on. We took a trip over to his apartment complex and spoke with neighbors on the last time they saw him. Someone found the complex manager and we met him outside of Greg's apartment so he could go in and see what was going on. The manager opened the door and we found Greg deceased. My emotions that day are indescribable. It is one thing when someone calls you and tells you someone has passed and it is WAY different when you are with someone as they pass as I did with my friend Jon Clinton a year and a half ago and then now finding Greg like we did. It does make you look at life different and changes part of you forever.

Once again, NEVER take life for granted EVER! In the blink of an eye, everything can change.

One thing life teaches us even though it is a hard lesson it is to heal, be stronger and move on. I am blessed every day I wake to be healthy and have my wife, family and true friends by my side as we all navigate life's journey. There is no set map or course, you just push forward and play the hand that life deals you…