Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday Means

For some it means the ever so worn out "I hate Mondays, is it the weekend yet" blah blah blah! For me I look at it as another week I am lucky to have the opportunities that I do. I can say 100% that I love what I do! Sometimes sleep can be bit rough with bar nights during the week but I am able to provide pretty well while enjoying it and that drives me to keep going. I do have some weeks where I am "over booked" like next week where I have 2 extra events in addition to the day job and bar nights. I will make it happen, I always do…

So I don't "hate" Mondays or my jobs, who could be that selfish with all of the people out of work, people losing homes and not able to provide the basics to get through life or even a week or sometimes a day! I would rather be dead tired and know I did all I can to get to that point then to sit on my fat ass and have expectations from everyone else but myself…